Saturday, May 10, 2008

5 Digital Photography Tips that Work

5 Digital Photography Tips that Work
By Al Sanez

Here we have five digital photography tips that work and they can really help take better shots right away.

Tip Number One:

Stray From the Average

What I mean by this is, don't take pictures with the subject in the middle of the photo! This is fine every once in the while, but constantly doing it is limiting your creativity. Try placing the subject off center or to the top or bottom. It will make a dramatic difference in your shots.

Tip Number Two:

Look Around Your Area For...

Patterns! These things can make your photos very interesting. Think of shots with landscapes and a pattern on the floor leading all the way to the far mountain. Patterns are very interesting and attractive to the eyes. Look around for lines, shapes, and colors that repeat themselves and try capturing these patterns in an interesting way. This could the be primary interest of your shot or could be used to add more impact to the subject. For example, you could have a shot of a Dalmatian without any spots and all the others filled with them.

Tip number three:

Use the Lines

Using lines can make your shots much better. Don't just put lines in your photos, use them to lead to the subject of interest. For example, if a road is leading up to a mansion, use the lines in the photo to add more impact on the mansion.

Tip Number Four:

Keep it Simple!

Many beginning photographers try to take photos that fit everything in their surrounding into the frame. This is alright, however, it can make for very complex shots. Try to keep your shots A.S.A.P. or as simple as possible.

Tip Number Five:

Practice Tips 1-5. hahaha Tip number 5 is pure joke, but reasonable :-)

Al Sanez has a Free Photo course that teaches beginners digital photography tips. He also has another free program on how to Sell Pictures Online.

If you really need to improve your photographic skills check out our best selling book Digital Photo Secrets

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the information.One of the important lessons that people concerned to photography want to hear is about digital photography. Digital photography is hard due to some common mistakes beginners perform unintentionally while taking the photographs.