When looking at what has to be, arguably one of the best makes of digital cameras, on the market today, I came across Nikon digital camera packages. Even if you are just thinking of getting yourself a decent digital camera, then a starter package has to be looked into. Not only will you be getting the camera itself, but you will also be purchasing all the other bits that you will want at a later date, the price of which will make you take a sharp intake of breath, as you add it all up individually.
Nobody has to want to become a serious photographer, to want these extras, which will undoubtedly make your life easier and more enjoyable when using the equipment.
Take a look at Nikon digital camera packages like the Nikon D80 starter package, with the D80 digital camera itself, you also get a Nikon AF 18-55mm lens, wide angle lens, a 3 piece pro lens filter set, hi-speed USB card reader, 1GB SD memory card, lens cleaning kit, full size tripod, compact digital camera case and an LCD screen protector. All this is only $969.99, but this is a fraction of the price if you where to buy all those items separately.
You may even be wondering what all these extras are, and I'm not sure on some of the specifics, but when you have it all in front of you and you get to grips with using the camera and experiment, it will all become clear and you'll be impressing friends and family, with your knowledge and skilled use of the equipment you have.
Some people get bogged down with to much technical stuff when buying digital cameras, things like, should they have loads of pixels or not? Well if your aim is to download the pictures onto your computer, then you're better of choosing something that will not clog up your computer's memory, but still has nice clarity on the computer screen. Also you should note that having a huge memory will not enhance the performance of your camera - it just means you can capture more images.
Now I'm getting technical and I am not exactly David Bailey (one of the most famous photographers in the world), but you do pick these things up, when mucking around with cameras.
As I said before, you can't really go wrong with a make like Nikon. Even the Nikon D40X, which is not quite as powerful, but not far off the D80, comes in exactly the same Nikon digital camera package, except for one thing, you get a tabletop tripod thrown in and that's only $827.99.
There are lots of Nikon Digital Camera Packages available and they are great value for money - well worth looking at if you want a digital camera, or any camera for that matter.
I'd have kicked myself, if I had bought all my stuff separately, so don't make the mistake lots of others do. Look at the Nikon Digital Camera Packages at Digi Combos
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